Career Profile

I work as an Assistant Professor at the University of Oviedo (Spain). My research interests are machine learning, computer vision, etc. and in particular quantification and those applicacions that can make a difference, as the automatic quantification of plankton samples.


PhD in Computer Science

2015 - 2019
University of Oviedo, Spain

PhD Dissertation Title: Design of quantification methods applied to the distribution estimation of taxonomic groups present in plankton samples.

Masters Degree in Advanced Artificial Intelligence

2011 - 2014
UNED (Spanish Open University), Spain

Master thesis: Automatic quantification of micro-plankton samples.

Computer Science and Engineering

2001 - 2007
University of Oviedo, Spain

Erasmus grant in Bratislava, Slovakia (September 2006-March 2007). Comenius University.


Assistant Professor

Oct 2020 - Present
University of Oviedo, Spain
  • Subjects: Software Arquitecture, Programming, Deep Learning.

Part-Time lecturer

2018 - Oct 2020
University of Oviedo, Spain
  • Subjects: Software Arquitecture, Introduction to Programming and Fundamentals of Computing.

Polytechnic teacher

2010 - Oct 2020
Spanish government (Resional Ministry of Education)
  • Teaching Java programming language for desktop interfaces and web interfaces.

Part-Time lecturer

Feb 2012 - Jun 2012
University of Cantabria, Spain
  • Subjects: Fundamentals of Computing and Computer Systems.


2009 - 2010
Artificial Intelligence Centre in Gijón, Spain
  • Imagina project: Integration of image analysis methods of plankton groups with artificial intelligence techniques. In collaboration with the Oceanographic Institute of Gijón (Spain).

Full Stack Developer

2007 - 2009
Fi2net, Gijón (Spain)
  • Web applications design and programming using Java (JSF, Spring Framework, Oracle DB, etc).

Side projects

In addition to my main job as a teacher and the PhD, I have worked in several personal projects using a variety of technologies.

Boulder problems - An Android application for sharing boulder problems with other climbers.
Planetarium - Planetarium application in JavaScript for Bangle.js (Open Source Hackable Smart Watch)
WHOI Results Plotter - AngularJS website to explore the main results of my PhD.


Check the material created for these courses.

Deep Learning - Deep learning course material (PDF and video), in Spanish


For the last years I have being working in machine learning, especially in plankton quantification, which has resulted in a few publications in major journals.

Kernel density estimation for multiclass quantification
Moreo, A., González, P., Del Coz, J. J.
Machine Learning , 2025
Quantification using permutation-invariant networks based on histograms
Pérez-Mon, O., Moreo, A., Del Coz, J. J. & González, P.
Neural Computing and Applications , 2024
QuantificationLib: A Python library for quantification and prevalence estimation
A Castaño, J Alonso, P González, P Pérez, JJ del Coz.
SoftwareX, 2024
Binary quantification and dataset shift: an experimental investigation
González, P., Moreo, A. & Sebastiani, F.
Data Min Knowl Disc, 2024
An Equivalence Analysis of Binary Quantification Methods
Castaño, A., J. A., González, P., & Del Coz, J. J.
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2023
Impact of multi‐output and stacking methods on feed efficiency prediction from genotype using machine learning algorithms
Mora, M., González, P., Quevedo, J. R., Montañés, E., Tusell, L., Bergsma, R., & Piles, M.
Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics, 2023
Matching Distributions Algorithms Based on the Earth Mover’s Distance for Ordinal Quantification
Castaño, A., González, P., González, J. A., & Del Coz, J. J.
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2022
Learning to quantify: Methods and applications (LQ 2021)
Del Coz, J. J., González, P., Moreo, A., Sebastiani, F.
Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management
Automatic plankton quantification using deep features
González, P., Castaño, A., Peacock, E. E., Díez, J., Del Coz, J. J., Sosik, H. M.
Journal of Plankton Research, 2019
A Review on Quantification Learning
González, P., Castaño, A., Chawla, N., del Coz, J.J.
ACM Computing Surveys, 2017
Validation methods for plankton image classification systems
González, P., Álvarez, E., Díez, J., López‐Urrutia, Á., del Coz, J. J.
Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, 2016
Why is quantification an interesting learning problem?
González, P., Díez, J., Chawla, N., del Coz, J. J.
Progress in Artificial Intelligence, 2016
On the study of nearest neighbor algorithms for prevalence estimation in binary problems
Barranquero, J., González, P., Díez, J., & Del Coz, J. J.
Pattern Recognition, 2013
Multiclass Support Vector Machines With Example-Dependent Costs Applied to Plankton Biomass Estimation
González, P., Alvarez, E., Barranquero, J., Díez, J., González-Quirós, R., Nogueira, E., ... & del Coz, J. J.
IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems, 2013

Skills & Proficiency




Javascript & jQuery

MySQL, Postgres, SQLite

Angular JS


Android and Cordova



Google Cloud & Amazon AWS
